Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Time to Wake Up

You can feel it, and so can millions of others around the world. There is something seriously wrong with society. Most people are completely unaware of the control systems of fear and debt which have been constructed around them. Slavery is more widespread than it has ever been. Millions are dying of starvation, preventable diseases, and unecessary wars in order to maintain and support the wasteful and destructive tendencies of “civilized” cities. Our entire global monetary system which is based on unrestricted growth and profit, has created unprecedented levels of greed and corruption, which severly inhibits any major advancement in healthcare or technology. This economic system is destroying our planet at an alarming rate, and is destined for failure. Humanity is out of balance with nature. Our politicians and the major news agencies have been “bought and paid for” long ago. The general public is purposely dumbed down and distracted, while an elite group uses terrorism, “shock doctrine” and “disaster capitalism” to instigate and sell their agendas to the public, while secretly pushing us into a “new world order”. The true history of humanity has been manufactured and manipulated, and the ancient knowledge of your true powers has been suppressed, so that you can be controlled and herded like sheep. Television is posioning your minds. You are being lied to. The matrix has you. The truth shall set you free.