Friday, July 3, 2009

Prophet, Psychic, or Just Informed? Swine Flu update.

Well it's obvious that I don't make blog posts very often... however I found it pretty uncanny that I made the post below about a possible "Biological Attack" two weeks before the stories of Swine Flu rocked the world. I have been surprising my wife and family quite frequently, by predicting major news events before they happen, such as the economic problems, a rash of shootings several months back, and the demonizing of the internet recently. Am I psychic? Am I a prophet? Not at all, not even close. I just read and pay attention to the clues that are hidden in plain sight.

The corporate controlled media is becoming too predictable, obviously following a specific agenda, and attempting to guide public opinion on a specific path. The sad part is that they also seem to be a step behind, as the alternative media, who have no major political or corporate interests and can freely report issues without worrying about the future impact, are reporting the major issues before mainstream media can get through their own red tape. Either they will die a slow death, or they will find a way to control the alternative media. The future of our information sources will be involved in a major battle indeed.

As an update to the Swine Flu, there seems to be a division among many sources. On one hand we have people saying that the fatality rate is way too low, that this is just a scare tactic to scare the public, socialize the medicine, reap profits from vaccinations, and set up more legislation for control. The other side of the coin is scared to death that this is the big one, that it will mutate and go out of control, possible combining with the avian flu, eventually triggering the global pandemic that could kill millions. One thing they both have in common, is that this epidemic was manufactured, and I totally agree as I was able to write my previous post before the event took place. They all also agree, that any manufactured vaccination could potentially be more dangerous than the virus itself. This is especially scary considering the crimes of Baxter in the past, sending out contaminated medicines on more than one occassion.

Personally, I believe in both theories. It is almost a certainty that we will face some type of larger pandemic in the coming years whether from avian flu or something else, and I believe this scare was manufactured to set up the policy and procedures to deal with the bigger problems coming down the line...