Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Truth About My Style

This blog will serve as an outlet, to give straight-up, no nonsense insight into suppressed knowledge. Personally, I continuously research many fringe topics, from a variety of sources. I have been at it non-stop, every second of spare time, since around November of 2007, researching a multitude of topics including: government and establishment corruption, ancient history, quantum physics, astronomy, secret societies, exopolitics, suppressed technology and information which has been labeled as "new age". I have personally pieced together a magnificent puzzle which explains why the world is the way it is, as well as every paranormal occurrence I could think of.

Countless others have already uncovered this information, and come to the same realizations that I have. The conclusions that I will reveal in this blog are not original, however I'm hoping that my clear, compact presentment of the truth will allow all people to quickly learn about reality. Because the truth is, reality is nothing like what it seems...

You will not see many specific references for the information I will be exposing. Anyone can take the time and effort to research the facts for themselves. I actually encourage you all to research everything for yourself, and use your own judgement. Blindly following others is one of the primary reasons things have gotten so bad in the first place. I may not express any justifications for the claims I am making, and that remains my choice. This is an attempt to summarize an enormous amount of information, and actually, words are a horrible form of communication, however I'm sure we'll do just fine.