Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Next False Flag Terrorist Attack, Possible Biological Weapon

I intend to write up a more thorough report soon, but for now I wanted to make some notes. From various personal sources, as well as information being obtained from various sites like,, and, I have come to the strong conclusion that there is not much time left before the "terrorists" strike again. And there seems to be a strong possibility that the threat will be some type of biological attack.

When I used to think about the "Fema Coffins" stored all over the country, (hundreds of thousands of black plastic sealable containers purchased by Fema, Burial Vaults made by I used to wonder, "if they were going to kill a bunch of people, why go through the trouble of putting them in a plastic container? Why not just dig a big ditch and dump all the bodies in a mass grave?" Then it eventually hit me... those burial vaults are air-tight, perfect to use to avoid some type of biological hazard.

There are several other little bits of evidence I have come across lately, such as Baxter having contaminated their flu vaccine with bird flu, the forced inoculations across the globe, and many theories about a H5N1 pandemic in the next year or two. There is also the possibility that they will blame this on Iran, as I've seen stories of how Iran hired Russian Bio-weapon engineers a long time ago (can't remember where I read that), and of course many of our leaders have been beating the Iran war drum for a while now.

Another thing that comes to mind is the report of several meetings between FEMA officials and a county representative just outside of Chicago, where they were asking him many strange questions, such as, "how would you handle mass graves, determine a plan to give vaccines to all of your residents in 24 hours, where are all of your public facilities, etc." Combine this information with the "FEMA Concentration Camp" stories all over the net, and it all just seems to make sense. I've seen video clips with the signs on the fences that say "Red" or "Blue", and that would make sense to label people with varying levels of biological contamination. (As a side note, I think mainstream media is going to attempt to debunk the fema camps soon, by the same government shills at popular mechanics who tried to debunk 9/11 truth, and failed miserably. Do your own research and don't believe these liars...)

As far as the threat occurring soon, usually what has happened in the past, is when the public starts gaining momentum in waking up to the rampant corruption, (as evidenced now by the multitude of websites, organizations, tea parties, and independent radio talk shows) the powers that be usually provide a great distraction, such as a war or terrorist attack, to throw everyone off. I also have some personal sources, as well as my own hunches, that danger is imminent, and a disaster will befall America soon.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Know Your Enemy - Avoid "Group-think" Mentality

One great advantage of learning to play poker or chess at an advanced level, is the psychological edge you gain which can be applied in many situations. You are taught to know what your opponent is thinking, to ponder what your opponent thinks you are thinking, and so on. This is the true art of any competition, knowing the art of deception as your greatest weapon, thus staying one step ahead of your opponent at all times. Manipulating the perception of your opponent is critical to winning any major conflict, competition, or war. This knowledge has greatly assisted me in seeing past the first level of mainstream media hype, allowing insight into the hidden agendas behind the scenes.

Although it feels good, don’t give in. Don’t fall in line with everyone else. Don’t jump on the band wagon. Remember to do your own research, and form your own opinions on every issue. Recently there seems to be a shift in the corporate mainstream media position, suddenly pitting the average American against Big Brother Government, Main Street vs. Wall Street, the rich against the poor. You see the headlines and hear the keywords all over the place. This is just a distraction, as always, to hide the truth and the real problems with the economy. With the blame-game and finger-pointing in full effect, very few are acknowledging the true source of the issues which have always been the “Federal Reserve Banking Cartel”, and the methods they employ to generate money out of thin air and enslave entire nations. This fractional reserve debt based system was destined for failure, and they knew this from the beginning.

It may feel good to blame the government and the corrupt politicians, as we know the political system in this country has been broken for a while now. But the politicians are not in charge here. The politicians and rich Wall Street bankers are not the source of the problems, they just knew how to play the game, and they exploited it for every penny they could get. To find the true source of the problem, you must look into who created “the game”… a game where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer… a game that ends where only a select few come out ahead, and the rest are left to suffer. The game was created by founders of the Federal Reserve Bank, along with the elites at the very top of this society… the aristocratic families which have passed down power for generations.

This is only a reminder. Before you go off down the street with your picket signs, pitch forks and torches, be sure you know who your true enemy is. Don’t just fall in line blindly behind everyone else. Be aware that they are playing an intellectual game of chess, planning and anticipating every move of the general public. They know what your next move will be, and are planning for it. They created the script, and are using the media to influence your next play. Don’t believe the hype. Analyze your opponent, study the game, think for yourself, and stay one step ahead at all times.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mainstream Media Manipulation and Tactics

I have to admit, my life will never be the same again. I cannot go back to living a “normal” life. I have learned too much about the rampant corruption in almost every major institution in our lives, and I refuse to accept mediocrity, lies and outright inhumanity as being “just the way it is”. Once you discover the truth about the world, why thousands of children are dying every day of starvation and preventable diseases, not to mention countless other horrendous crimes against humanity, you look at the world in a whole new light. The rose colored glasses come off. Somewhere along the line you “wake up”, “take the red pill”, “fall down the rabbit hole”, and realize that the world you see on TV and read about in the newspapers, is all one big orchestrated fantasy, to keep you distracted and entertained, while something sinister brews behind the scenes…

At the height of this problem, is the sad truth of what has happened to the major news networks and publications in the world. In the media industry, power has been consolidated and centralized into a handful of extremely large multinational corporations (such as GE, Viacom, Disney, and Time Warner), who no longer work for the people, but their own selfish corporate and political interests. A quote from Danny Schechter, former CNN and ABC news producer, summarizes the situation: “We falsely think of our country as a Democracy, when it in fact has evolved into a ‘Media-ocracy’. Where a media which is supposed to check political abuse, is now a part of the political abuse.” The truth of the matter is, at the very top of these corporations, they are able manage our perception of reality by filtering the news and using spin and propaganda to communicate the issues in ways that suit their corporate and political agendas.

By controlling the media, the “corporate elite” of the world have a fine-tuned weapon to use against the general public. One of the tactics which they have mastered, in order to move their agendas forward, is called, “Problem, Reaction, Solution”. When it comes to their specific agenda, they set a specific goal. For example, a goal might be to “record and analyze every phone call in the world”. They know that the citizens would not willingly go along with this idea, as it violates their privacy rights. So a specific problem or crisis is then secretly manufactured and executed (usually blamed on their enemies), and hyped by the media, until the public demands a solution. Then they are able to swoop in and offer the exact solution which fits their original goal, without anyone ever knowing the full truth. This exact situation is what happened with terrorism and 9/11. Since 9/11, the elite banking interests, the military industrial complex, and parts of our own government, were able to use the media to accomplish their ultimate goals, which were to:

Seize control of the opium fields in Afghanistan which produces most the heroin in the world (a multi-billion dollar industry)
Build oil and gas pipelines through Afghanistan
Award outrageous construction contracts to Halliburton and KBR
Eliminate Saddam Hussein and take control of Iraq, establishing many permanent military bases in the Middle East
Reap massive profits from loans and weapons which are needed for countries at war
Pass new legislation which allows them to control and violate all Constitutional rights of the American people, in the name of safety and security
Exponentially expand the power and spending of the US Government

There are probably several other goals that I am unaware of. However, once you learn about the true agenda, (primarily to gain control of the entire world), you see the entire “problem, reaction, solution” game being played on the news everyday. You see every story in a whole new light. Here are some things to keep an eye on in the media:

They will hype more and more shootings and violence, in order to pass legislation on gun control, so the American people can never fight back against their corrupt government. They will also use this to justify bringing the military on the streets, moving forward into a fascist “Police State”.

They will hype stories like the “Octo-mom”, to get people accustomed to the government interfering with your personal lives, while also working on their population reduction agenda.

They will hype more and more internet security threats, in order to control the spread of information on the internet, and restrict freedom of speech against their agenda

They will continue to point fingers back and forth between left and right, Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, to keep us separated and unorganized, so we can never unite and fight back.

They will continue to focus on scandals, fashion, gossip and sports to keep us thoroughly distracted and entertained so we never learn the truth.

They will focus on missing children, in order to eventually use tracking devices implanted in our clothes, IDs, and eventually in our bodies, to track your every move.

They will focus on terrorism, in order to maintain control and remove more of your civil rights and liberties, in the name of security.

They will focus on dangerous animals and a violent mother nature, to keep you indoors and glued to the TV, in perpetual fear of the world, so that you demand the security and protection of Big Brother

They will hype the global warming crisis, to implement carbon taxes and provide a common threat to unite the world for the New World Order

They will hype the economic problems, so they can create a new global regulator of the financial markets, and create a new currency.

They will hype more and more problems with the food supply, so they can implement more restrictions on farming and agriculture, forcing small local farmers out of business, allowing them to fully control the food supply of the world.

Keep your eyes peeled and your minds open, ladies and gentlemen. What you are witnessing is a giant show, an orchestrated reality, which seeks to keep you in the dark, unable to piece together their ultimate agenda. The puzzle pieces are obvious and are displayed in plain sight, for those willing to think outside of the box, connect the dots, and observe the prison being created around us all. As they say, “the proof is in the pudding”. When you see a mainstream news article or broadcast, think to yourself, “who would benefit from me believing this particular point of view, and why?” If the result of any action or propaganda gives more power to the government and less power to the individual, then you can see the true agenda in action. If you feel a sense of fear after reading a story, think about who benefits from your fear. Everything I have stated can be proven with documents available in the public domain, if you are willing to take the time to learn the truth. Please don’t take this information lightly, as I am risking everything to give you this information. I have no agenda, other than to inform others of the stealthy corruption taking over all facets of our lives. We have a major threat, and I’ll give you a hint… worrying about some “radical terrorist” is the least of our problems. Please pursue other forms of information, question everything, and learn the truth. I strongly believe we have a limited amount of time until the enemy strikes again.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free.”

Monday, March 2, 2009

Effects of Digital TV

Could there be more sinister reasons behind the implementation of Digital TV? German doctors are attempting to warn the US population of health effects related to Digital Broadcasting….

Their studies showed these symptoms (which seem perfect for a government attempting to control it’s people) See the text below… or view the attachment for a formal report.

constant headaches, pressure in the head, drowsiness, sleep problems, inability to think clearly,
forgetfulness, nervous tensions, irritability, tightness in the chest, rapid heartbeat, shortness of
breath, depressive mood, total apathy, loss of empathy, burning skin, inner burning, leg
weakness, pain in the limbs, stabbing pain in various organs, weight increase

People need to wake up soon and realize what is going on in America. The television and mainstream news is a weapon of mass enslavement, and the poor population is being decieved and marched to the slaughterhouse…

Digital TV will start operating in the USA in very soon. Many people are worrying about this new technology which has not been tested yet. People in USA will be the Guinea pigs and, what a chance for the industry, there is so much radiation everywhere without DVBT that you will probably see no difference to other RF. (Perhaps more exhaustion, more tiredness, the feeling of being paralyzed??) Please see the letter in the attachment. You may forward it to your friends and to the press. Dr. Christine Aschermann

Warning Against Adverse Health Effects from the Operation of Digital Broadcast
Television Stations (DVB-T)
Dear President Obama:
Dear Members of the House of Representatives:
Dear Members of the Senate:
Dear Citizens of the United States of America:
In the US, digital broadcast television is scheduled to start operating on February 17, 2009. We
write to you today because we wish to save you from the significant negative health
consequences that have occurred here in Germany.
In Germany, analog broadcast television stations have gradually been switching to digital
broadcast signals since 2003. This switchover first took place in metropolitan areas. In those
areas, however, the RF exposures in public places as well as at home continued to increase at
the same time. As a result, the continuing declining health status of children, adolescents, and
adults in urban areas could not be attributed to any single cause.
On May 20, 2006, two digital broadcast television stations went on the air in the Hessian Rhoen
area (Heidelstein, Kreuzberg), which until recently had enjoyed rather low mobile phone
radiation exposure levels. Within a radius of more than 20 km, the following symptoms that
occurred abruptly were reported:
constant headaches, pressure in the head, drowsiness, sleep problems, inability to think clearly,
forgetfulness, nervous tensions, irritability, tightness in the chest, rapid heartbeat, shortness of
breath, depressive mood, total apathy, loss of empathy, burning skin, inner burning, leg
weakness, pain in the limbs, stabbing pain in various organs, weight increase

Birds had fled the area. Cats had turned phlegmatic and hardly ever went into the garden. One
child committed suicide; a second child tried doing it.
Over time the same unbearable symptoms showed up in other locations—most recently in
Bamberg and Aschaffenburg on November 25, 2008. Physicians accompanied affected people to
areas where there was no DVB-T reception (valleys, behind mountain ranges) and witnessed
how these people became symptom-free only after a short period of time.
The respective agencies responsible in Germany were approached for help, but they declined to
follow up on the strongly suggestive evidence in the actual locations. The behavior of the
government agencies disregards the fundamental rights of affected people guaranteed in the
German Constitution.
In Germany, DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial) uses Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplex Modulation. The fundamental principle of this type of modulation works by spreading
the information across several thousand carrier frequencies directly adjacent to each other. A
channel is 7.8 MHz wide. The amplitude also changes constantly.
The WHO, the German Radiation Protection Commission, and the German Federal Ministry of
the Environment rely on the Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-varying Electric, Magnetic,
and Electromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz), (Health Physics 74 (4): 494-522; 1998) published by
the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). In this document,
it says:
p. 495: “These guidelines will be periodically revised and updated as advances are made in
identifying the adverse health effects of time varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic
p. 507: “Interpretation of several observed biological effects of AM electromagnetic fields is
further complicated by the apparent existence of “windows” of response in both the power
density and frequency domains. There are no accepted models that adequately explain this
phenomenon, which challenges the traditional concept of a monotonic relationship between the
field intensity and the severity of the resulting biological effects.”
Why are the German agencies in charge not willing to help identify the adverse health effects?
Since immediately, after digital broadcast television stations had started transmitting, adverse
health effects have occurred, the review of the Guidelines announced by the ICNIRP is
imperative. Obviously, there are response windows contained within the broad frequency bands
with their several thousand frequencies that change constantly and whose amplitude also
changes constantly. The ICNIRP had already pointed out this possibility.
In 1992, Dipl. Ing. RĂ¼diger Matthes, member of ICNIRP and of the Geman Radiation Protection
Agency (BfS), emphasized the preliminary status of the exposure limits in a hearing on the health
risks of electromagnetic radiation: “…They (electromagnetic exposure levels) are several orders of
magnitude higher than the natural background radiation levels of nontechnical sources…In
parallel to this development, findings of scientific studies according to which long term exposure
to such fields may trigger adverse health effects keep accumulating.…In this context, it is also
important to recognize that there are large differences in exposure levels within a given
population. A small child, for example, absorbs much more RF energy than an adult
person…There are several findings on low level exposures, which are considered scientifically
validated because they have been reproduced often but which are rather difficult to interpret.
The impact of mostly pulsed or ELF modulated RF radiation on cell metabolism, for example,
counts among them. It has been observed that the efflux of certain ions (e.g. calcium) from a cell
increases during exposure to such fields. The occurrence of this effect is described almost
completely independent of the actual field strength. It can be found at extremely low absorption
levels.…With all the currently available scientific findings, there remain some crucial questions
…There are gaps in the so-called body of evidence. That means that the biological effects, for
example, have only been investigated for individual frequencies. Data (e.g. effect thresholds) on
the various biological effects across the entire frequency spectrum are not available. The
exposure limits, therefore, are based on an approach that greatly simplifies the very complex
reality whose details are unfathomable. It should also be noted that concrete data on possible
effects of long-term exposures are mostly lacking.”
Real life teaches us that it was wrong to simplify. In Germany, we see strong evidence of a direct
temporal association between the start-up of terrestrial digital broadcast television and the
occurrence of severe health symptoms.
Dr.-Ing. W. Volkrodt, former R&D engineer at Siemens, recognized the danger of
electromagnetic fields for humans, animals, and plants. He pinned his hopes on policymakers
who would listen to reason when he wrote in 1987: “Future historians will refer to the RF
dilemma during the period from around 1975 to 1990 as a short, time-limited ‘technical incident.’
Owing to the introduction of fiber optic technology, this incident could be remediated quickly and
Satellites and cable provide the US population with television services. By contrast, the risk
associated with terrestrial digital broadcast television transmitters is unacceptable.
We, therefore, ask you, dear Mr. President, who has the wellbeing of his citizens at
heart, to stop the scheduled introduction of this new technology in the United States
of America and to save the people from the negative health consequences that have
occurred in our country.
Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam Dr. med. Christine Aschermann
Dr. med. Markus Kern

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Efficient Abundant Energy Solutions Suppressed for $$$

Energy is everywhere in abundance, however corruption and monetary system limitations are forcing us to destroy the planet... We don't need burn fossil fuels ever again...

New Energy Sources and Inventions

In the late 1880's, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting "free electricity" in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming commonplace. Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplanes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio, and practical cameras. For the first time in history, common people were encouraged to envision a utopian future filled with abundant modern transportation and communication, as well as jobs, housing and food for everyone. So what happened? Where did the new energy breakthroughs go? Was this excitement about free electricity all just wishful thinking that science eventually disproved? Current State of Technology. The answer is no. Spectacular new energy technologies were developed right along with other breakthroughs. Since then, multiple methods for producing vast amounts of energy at extremely low cost have been developed. None of these technologies have made it to the open consumer market, however. Why this is true will be discussed shortly. First, here is a short list of new energy technologies. The common feature connecting all of these discoveries is that they use a small amount of one form of energy to control or release a large amount of a different kind of energy.
Radiant Energy. Nikola Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter, T. Henry Moray's Radiant Energy Device, Edwin Gray's EMA Motor, and Paul Baumann's Testatika Machine all run on Radiant Energy. This natural energy can perform the same wonders as ordinary electricity at less than 1% of the cost. It does not behave exactly like electricity, however, which has contributed to the scientific community's misunderstanding of it. The Methernitha Community in Switzerland currently has 5 or 6 working models of fuelless, self-running devices that tap this energy. [More]
Permanent Magnets. Dr. Tom Bearden has two working models of a permanent magnet powered electrical transformer. It uses a 6-watt electrical input to control the path of a magnetic field coming out of a magnet. By channeling the magnetic field, first to one output coil then a second repeatedly and rapidly, the device can produce a 96-watt electrical output with no moving parts. Multiple inventors have working mechanisms that produce torque from permanent magnets alone. [More]
Super-Efficient Electrolysis. Water can be broken into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. When water is hit with its own molecular resonant frequency, it collapses into hydrogen and oxygen gas with little electrical input. Hydrogen fuel can drive engines (like in your car) for the cost of water. [More]
Cold Fusion. Though initial claims were debunked, cold fusion is very real. Not only has excess heat production been repeatedly documented, but also low energy atomic element transmutation has been catalogued, involving dozens of different reactions! [More]
There are dozens of other systems. Many are viable and well tested. But this short list is sufficient to make the point: new energy technology is here. It offers the world pollution-free energy abundance for everyone, everywhere. It is now possible to stop the production of "greenhouse gases" and shut down the nuclear power plants. Transportation and production costs for just about everything can drop dramatically. Yet all these wonderful benefits that can make life on this planet so much easier and better for everyone have been postponed for decades. Why? Whose purposes are served by this postponement?Four Invisible Forces. There are four forces that have worked together to create this situation. The wealthiest families and their central banking institutions are the first force. Their motivations are greed and the need to control almost everything except themselves. Their plan is to eventually control all of the resources of the world, and thereby control everyone's life through the availability of all goods and services. An independent source of wealth (new energy device) in the hands of every person in the world ruins their plans for world domination. They don’t want any competition. The weapons they have used to enforce this include intimidation, "expert" debunkers, buying and shelving of technology, and murder of inventors. They have also promoted the scientific theory that states free energy is impossible (laws of thermodynamics).The second force is national governments. The problem here is related to the maintenance of national security. There is a constant jockeying for position and influence in world affairs, and the strongest party wins. In economics, it's the golden rule: "The one with the gold makes the rules." Unlimited energy on this planet will lead to an inevitable reshuffling of the balance of power. Everybody will want it, and at the same time, want to prevent everyone else from getting it. So, national governments’ motivations are self-preservation. Their weapons include preventing the issuance of patents based on national security grounds, harassment of inventors with criminal charges, tax audits, threats, phone taps, arson, theft, and a host of other intimidations which make the business of building and marketing a new energy machine practically impossible.The third force consists of deluded inventors and con men. On the periphery of the extraordinary scientific breakthroughs that constitute real new energy technologies, lies a shadow world of unexplained anomalies, marginal inventions and unscrupulous promoters. The first two forces have constantly used the media to promote the worst examples of this group, to distract the public's attention, and to discredit real breakthroughs by associating them with the frauds. So, the third force is delusion and dishonesty. The motivations are self-aggrandizement, greed, want of power over others, and a false sense of self-importance. The weapons used are lying, cheating, self-delusion and arrogance combined with bad science.The fourth force operating to postpone the public availability of new energy technology is all of the rest of us. It may be easy to see how narrow and selfish the motivations of the other forces are, but actually, these motivations are still very much alive in each of us as well. Like the wealthiest families, don't we each secretly harbor illusions of false superiority and want to control others instead of ourselves? Also, wouldn't you sell out if the price were high enough? Or like the governments, don't we each want to ensure our own survival? Or like the deluded inventor, don't we trade a comfortable illusion once in a while for an uncomfortable fact? Or don't we still fear the unknown, even if it promises a great reward?All four forces are just different aspects of the same process. There is really only one force preventing the availability of new energy technology, and that is unspiritually motivated behavior. New energy technology is an outward manifestation of divine abundance. It is the engine of the economy of an enlightened society, where people voluntarily behave in a respectful and civil manner toward each other. Unspiritualized humans cannot be trusted with new energy. They will only do what they have always done, which is to take merciless advantage of each other, or kill each other and themselves in the process.The Opportunity. What is new is that you and I can communicate with each other now better than at anytime in the past. The Internet offers us, the fourth force, an opportunity to overcome the combined efforts of the other forces preventing new energy technology from spreading. What is starting to happen is that inventors are publishing their work, instead of patenting it and keeping it secret. More and more, people are "giving away" information on these technologies in books, videos and websites. While there is still a great deal of useless information about new energy on the Internet, the availability of good information is rising rapidly.All of us constitute the fourth force. If we stand up and refuse to remain ignorant and action-less, we can change the course of history. Only mass action can create the world we want. The other three forces will not help us put a fuelless power plant in our homes. New energy technology will change everything about the way we live, work and relate to each other. It obsoletes greed and fear for survival. But like all exercises of spiritual faith, we must first manifest generosity and trust in our own lives.New energy technology is here. It has been here for decades. Communications technology and the Internet have torn the veil of secrecy off of this remarkable fact. People all over the world are starting to build new energy devices. The bankers and governments don’t want this to happen, but can’t stop it. Tremendous economic instabilities and wars will be used to distract people's attention from the new energy movement. There will be essentially no major media coverage of this aspect of what is going on.Western society is in many ways spiraling toward self-destruction due to the accumulated effects of greed and corruption. New energy technologies cannot stop this trend. If, however, you have a new energy device, you may be better positioned to support the transition that is underway. The question is, who will ultimately control the emerging world government, the first force, or the fourth force? Those who choose the fourth force may live to see the dawn of the world of new energy. I challenge you to be among the ones who do so.New Energy Sources was written by Peter Lindemann, D. Sc. and summarized and edited by Fred Burks