Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mainstream Media Manipulation and Tactics

I have to admit, my life will never be the same again. I cannot go back to living a “normal” life. I have learned too much about the rampant corruption in almost every major institution in our lives, and I refuse to accept mediocrity, lies and outright inhumanity as being “just the way it is”. Once you discover the truth about the world, why thousands of children are dying every day of starvation and preventable diseases, not to mention countless other horrendous crimes against humanity, you look at the world in a whole new light. The rose colored glasses come off. Somewhere along the line you “wake up”, “take the red pill”, “fall down the rabbit hole”, and realize that the world you see on TV and read about in the newspapers, is all one big orchestrated fantasy, to keep you distracted and entertained, while something sinister brews behind the scenes…

At the height of this problem, is the sad truth of what has happened to the major news networks and publications in the world. In the media industry, power has been consolidated and centralized into a handful of extremely large multinational corporations (such as GE, Viacom, Disney, and Time Warner), who no longer work for the people, but their own selfish corporate and political interests. A quote from Danny Schechter, former CNN and ABC news producer, summarizes the situation: “We falsely think of our country as a Democracy, when it in fact has evolved into a ‘Media-ocracy’. Where a media which is supposed to check political abuse, is now a part of the political abuse.” The truth of the matter is, at the very top of these corporations, they are able manage our perception of reality by filtering the news and using spin and propaganda to communicate the issues in ways that suit their corporate and political agendas.

By controlling the media, the “corporate elite” of the world have a fine-tuned weapon to use against the general public. One of the tactics which they have mastered, in order to move their agendas forward, is called, “Problem, Reaction, Solution”. When it comes to their specific agenda, they set a specific goal. For example, a goal might be to “record and analyze every phone call in the world”. They know that the citizens would not willingly go along with this idea, as it violates their privacy rights. So a specific problem or crisis is then secretly manufactured and executed (usually blamed on their enemies), and hyped by the media, until the public demands a solution. Then they are able to swoop in and offer the exact solution which fits their original goal, without anyone ever knowing the full truth. This exact situation is what happened with terrorism and 9/11. Since 9/11, the elite banking interests, the military industrial complex, and parts of our own government, were able to use the media to accomplish their ultimate goals, which were to:

Seize control of the opium fields in Afghanistan which produces most the heroin in the world (a multi-billion dollar industry)
Build oil and gas pipelines through Afghanistan
Award outrageous construction contracts to Halliburton and KBR
Eliminate Saddam Hussein and take control of Iraq, establishing many permanent military bases in the Middle East
Reap massive profits from loans and weapons which are needed for countries at war
Pass new legislation which allows them to control and violate all Constitutional rights of the American people, in the name of safety and security
Exponentially expand the power and spending of the US Government

There are probably several other goals that I am unaware of. However, once you learn about the true agenda, (primarily to gain control of the entire world), you see the entire “problem, reaction, solution” game being played on the news everyday. You see every story in a whole new light. Here are some things to keep an eye on in the media:

They will hype more and more shootings and violence, in order to pass legislation on gun control, so the American people can never fight back against their corrupt government. They will also use this to justify bringing the military on the streets, moving forward into a fascist “Police State”.

They will hype stories like the “Octo-mom”, to get people accustomed to the government interfering with your personal lives, while also working on their population reduction agenda.

They will hype more and more internet security threats, in order to control the spread of information on the internet, and restrict freedom of speech against their agenda

They will continue to point fingers back and forth between left and right, Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, to keep us separated and unorganized, so we can never unite and fight back.

They will continue to focus on scandals, fashion, gossip and sports to keep us thoroughly distracted and entertained so we never learn the truth.

They will focus on missing children, in order to eventually use tracking devices implanted in our clothes, IDs, and eventually in our bodies, to track your every move.

They will focus on terrorism, in order to maintain control and remove more of your civil rights and liberties, in the name of security.

They will focus on dangerous animals and a violent mother nature, to keep you indoors and glued to the TV, in perpetual fear of the world, so that you demand the security and protection of Big Brother

They will hype the global warming crisis, to implement carbon taxes and provide a common threat to unite the world for the New World Order

They will hype the economic problems, so they can create a new global regulator of the financial markets, and create a new currency.

They will hype more and more problems with the food supply, so they can implement more restrictions on farming and agriculture, forcing small local farmers out of business, allowing them to fully control the food supply of the world.

Keep your eyes peeled and your minds open, ladies and gentlemen. What you are witnessing is a giant show, an orchestrated reality, which seeks to keep you in the dark, unable to piece together their ultimate agenda. The puzzle pieces are obvious and are displayed in plain sight, for those willing to think outside of the box, connect the dots, and observe the prison being created around us all. As they say, “the proof is in the pudding”. When you see a mainstream news article or broadcast, think to yourself, “who would benefit from me believing this particular point of view, and why?” If the result of any action or propaganda gives more power to the government and less power to the individual, then you can see the true agenda in action. If you feel a sense of fear after reading a story, think about who benefits from your fear. Everything I have stated can be proven with documents available in the public domain, if you are willing to take the time to learn the truth. Please don’t take this information lightly, as I am risking everything to give you this information. I have no agenda, other than to inform others of the stealthy corruption taking over all facets of our lives. We have a major threat, and I’ll give you a hint… worrying about some “radical terrorist” is the least of our problems. Please pursue other forms of information, question everything, and learn the truth. I strongly believe we have a limited amount of time until the enemy strikes again.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free.”