Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Next False Flag Terrorist Attack, Possible Biological Weapon

I intend to write up a more thorough report soon, but for now I wanted to make some notes. From various personal sources, as well as information being obtained from various sites like,, and, I have come to the strong conclusion that there is not much time left before the "terrorists" strike again. And there seems to be a strong possibility that the threat will be some type of biological attack.

When I used to think about the "Fema Coffins" stored all over the country, (hundreds of thousands of black plastic sealable containers purchased by Fema, Burial Vaults made by I used to wonder, "if they were going to kill a bunch of people, why go through the trouble of putting them in a plastic container? Why not just dig a big ditch and dump all the bodies in a mass grave?" Then it eventually hit me... those burial vaults are air-tight, perfect to use to avoid some type of biological hazard.

There are several other little bits of evidence I have come across lately, such as Baxter having contaminated their flu vaccine with bird flu, the forced inoculations across the globe, and many theories about a H5N1 pandemic in the next year or two. There is also the possibility that they will blame this on Iran, as I've seen stories of how Iran hired Russian Bio-weapon engineers a long time ago (can't remember where I read that), and of course many of our leaders have been beating the Iran war drum for a while now.

Another thing that comes to mind is the report of several meetings between FEMA officials and a county representative just outside of Chicago, where they were asking him many strange questions, such as, "how would you handle mass graves, determine a plan to give vaccines to all of your residents in 24 hours, where are all of your public facilities, etc." Combine this information with the "FEMA Concentration Camp" stories all over the net, and it all just seems to make sense. I've seen video clips with the signs on the fences that say "Red" or "Blue", and that would make sense to label people with varying levels of biological contamination. (As a side note, I think mainstream media is going to attempt to debunk the fema camps soon, by the same government shills at popular mechanics who tried to debunk 9/11 truth, and failed miserably. Do your own research and don't believe these liars...)

As far as the threat occurring soon, usually what has happened in the past, is when the public starts gaining momentum in waking up to the rampant corruption, (as evidenced now by the multitude of websites, organizations, tea parties, and independent radio talk shows) the powers that be usually provide a great distraction, such as a war or terrorist attack, to throw everyone off. I also have some personal sources, as well as my own hunches, that danger is imminent, and a disaster will befall America soon.