Monday, March 16, 2009

Know Your Enemy - Avoid "Group-think" Mentality

One great advantage of learning to play poker or chess at an advanced level, is the psychological edge you gain which can be applied in many situations. You are taught to know what your opponent is thinking, to ponder what your opponent thinks you are thinking, and so on. This is the true art of any competition, knowing the art of deception as your greatest weapon, thus staying one step ahead of your opponent at all times. Manipulating the perception of your opponent is critical to winning any major conflict, competition, or war. This knowledge has greatly assisted me in seeing past the first level of mainstream media hype, allowing insight into the hidden agendas behind the scenes.

Although it feels good, don’t give in. Don’t fall in line with everyone else. Don’t jump on the band wagon. Remember to do your own research, and form your own opinions on every issue. Recently there seems to be a shift in the corporate mainstream media position, suddenly pitting the average American against Big Brother Government, Main Street vs. Wall Street, the rich against the poor. You see the headlines and hear the keywords all over the place. This is just a distraction, as always, to hide the truth and the real problems with the economy. With the blame-game and finger-pointing in full effect, very few are acknowledging the true source of the issues which have always been the “Federal Reserve Banking Cartel”, and the methods they employ to generate money out of thin air and enslave entire nations. This fractional reserve debt based system was destined for failure, and they knew this from the beginning.

It may feel good to blame the government and the corrupt politicians, as we know the political system in this country has been broken for a while now. But the politicians are not in charge here. The politicians and rich Wall Street bankers are not the source of the problems, they just knew how to play the game, and they exploited it for every penny they could get. To find the true source of the problem, you must look into who created “the game”… a game where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer… a game that ends where only a select few come out ahead, and the rest are left to suffer. The game was created by founders of the Federal Reserve Bank, along with the elites at the very top of this society… the aristocratic families which have passed down power for generations.

This is only a reminder. Before you go off down the street with your picket signs, pitch forks and torches, be sure you know who your true enemy is. Don’t just fall in line blindly behind everyone else. Be aware that they are playing an intellectual game of chess, planning and anticipating every move of the general public. They know what your next move will be, and are planning for it. They created the script, and are using the media to influence your next play. Don’t believe the hype. Analyze your opponent, study the game, think for yourself, and stay one step ahead at all times.

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